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Selection of colors goes here!

Field Mainbackground is set to the colorpattern Black

Field Sidebarbackground is set to the colorpattern White

Field Footerbackground is set to the colorpattern LowBlue

Field Sidebarheader is set to the colorpattern FullBlue

Field Sidebartext is set to the colorpattern LowGreen

Field Sidebarhover is set to the colorpattern FullGreen

Field Sidebarhoverbackground is set to the colorpattern FullGreen

Field Sidebaractive is set to the colorpattern FullGreen

Field Sidebaractivebackground is set to the colorpattern FullGreen

Field Sidebarbuttontext is set to the colorpattern LowRed

Field Sidebarbuttonbackground is set to the colorpattern FullRed

Field Profiletext is set to the colorpattern FullCyan

Field Profilehover is set to the colorpattern FullCyan

Field Profileactive is set to the colorpattern FullCyan

Field Contentheader is set to the colorpattern FullGreen

Field Contentsubheader1 is set to the colorpattern FullMagenta

Field Contentsubheader2 is set to the colorpattern LowGold

Field Contentsubheader3 is set to the colorpattern FullYellow

Field Contenttext is set to the colorpattern LowGrey

Field Footertext is set to the colorpattern LowOrange

Field Footerhover is set to the colorpattern LowOrange

Field Footerhoverbackground is set to the colorpattern LowOrange

Field Footeractive is set to the colorpattern LowOrange

Field Footeractivebackground is set to the colorpattern LowOrange